Monday, June 17, 2013

Landscape Shopping, The Turkeys in Their New Home, and Hungry Ducks...

What a wonderful day today!  I had the opportunity to go to Park Seed Company in Greenwood, SC for the Master Gardener Day.  I found many wonderful plants, shrubs and trees to help landscape our farm.  There was so much more I could have bought, but we have to pace ourselves and the pocketbook. 

Here's this haul for today from Park Seed and Lowe's:
Red Twig dogwood, Yellow twig dogwood, Pygmy Japanese Maple, Lilac bush, Gingko Trees, a couple different Hosta, Rhododendron-several varieties, Dwarf  Navel Orange tree, Dwarf Lemon tree, Dwarf Mandarin Orange three, Several varieties of Butterfly bushes, a Bay Laurel, assorted annuals for hanging baskets, honeysuckle, and more!

This is where the Woodland Garden will be...still need to clear some scrub trees and get it ready!  Some of the plants I bought today will be used in this garden. I want to add some azaleas too.

The Square foot garden is coming along quite well...
The zucchini (top left) and the winter squash (bottom right) is too. Blossoms on the tomatoes :0)

The turkeys are slowly settling in to their new home.  They have separation anxiety and peep loudly when we leave the coop :0(  They are getting a little better each time though.  They are growing so quickly!

"Tommy" is getting so big! I really need to keep the camera close...he was strutting yesterday :0)

 A turkey baby aka "The Buzzard" :0) perched on top of the waterer
Here's the inside of The Chick Inn II and the partition for the turkeys:
Mr. Farmer Man did an awesome usual!
 The Chick Inn II aka The Maximum Security Poultry Palace is almost completed!
The Turkey Babies have the small coop on the front left and the chickens have the large run.  As soon as we figure out which two hens we are going to keep with "Tommy" and they are big enough that the chickens won't pick on them, we will allow everyone to have full access. 
We will add an outdoor roost shelter to the larger run for the turkeys when they are all allowed to be together.  I don't think the turkeys will be able to go into The Chick Inn II once they are larger.

The ducks are becoming quite the characters!  If you are late getting down to the pond to feed them they will meet you either at the barn or come running across the field towards you.  On evening, Scott was at the barn after work and I hadn't fed up yet.  Next thing he new the ducks came FLYING down the driveway, banked a right and landed in the field, just before the pond. LOL  They were hungry!

Here's the crew tonight as they came to find me:

Two of our Mallard Drakes :0)  Such handsome boys!
It's always fun here on the farm!  The critters keep us entertained and we aren't ever bored...there is ALWAYS something that needs to be done. We are so very blessed to live in the country and enjoy the farm life. <3

This next week we are hoping to finish the wiring for the electrical and running the water to The Chick Inn II, finish securing the fence around the top and plant some more muscadines and scuppernog grapes around the runs for shade.  Have a great week and thanks for stopping in!

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