Monday, March 18, 2013

Coop Construction Completed and The Prodigal Cat Returns...

A beautiful weekend here on the farm!  The weather was warm and sunny which was perfect for completing the construction on The Chicken Inn II.  My sweet Farmer man finished the shutters, built and hung the door, and completed the construction by filling in small gaps at the roof line with strips of wood.  We have tried to snake/small animal "proof" this coop as much as possible.  Here's the completed!

Beautiful door

Front of the coop - there is hardware cloth enclosing the eaves

Details of the shutters  and hardware cloth over the windows

View of the left side - LOVE the door and hinges!

View of right side with main chicken door
Back of coop and nesting boxes :0) Hardware cloth covering the eaves once again.

 The other item that Scott got installed is the automatic chicken door from The Poultry Butler.  We will eventually install another in the chicken door in the front of the coop.  This second door will allow for the nursery in the coop to have a separate area, door and run .

We are now in the process of staining the siding, sealing the floor, and we will add an underpinning around the coop to keep chickens in and predators out. Electricity,water and fencing will be added in a few weeks. No huge hurry since the chicks won't arrive until the week of April 23rd and they will spend at least a few weeks in the brooder on the screened porch.

To The Prodigal Cat.....

I had posted earlier about Phathead and his disappearing antics.  Well he stayed home for three days only to disappear again.  He left out two Sundays ago albeit this time with a collar and ID tag. This is the longest he has ever been gone.  We  feared the worst since we found large coyote tracks in the mud down by the barn.  Farmer man had given up on him returning.

Last night we received a call from a friend and neighbor that a big black cat with our phone number on the tag was at her mother's house!  Farmer man hightailed it over to their home to pick up our prodigal cat.  Bless him, he had to chase the little bugger around the property because Phathead didn't want to come to him!  He returned home with a little thinner and a much mouthier Phathead.  I have to admit we missed the big guy, but when he meowed all night long last night....I mean all night long....I was having second thoughts.  Somewhere on his journey he found his voice and he apparently likes to use it!  Phathead is now lounging on "his" throne after a short trip outside this morning to check his kingdom.

Much needed rain is predicted for this afternoon so I can't say I blame him.
Although Farmer man is working at his day job, all others are here and accounted for.
All is well at The Old Five Notch Farm.

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