Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A lot of New Things....29 New Additions to the Farm, New Projects, and New Harvests!

We have been busy taking care of all the new arrivals on the farm as well as trying to keep all the current residents comfortable as possible in this terrible heat.  Thankfully, everyone is coping well and we are supposed to have a break from the intense heat this weekend.  We will be back into the normal lower 90's for the weekend!

We are honored once again to be chosen as a release site for some rescued and rehabbed wild Canada Geese and wild Mallards from Izzie's Pond!  We are always excited when we can help and provide a safe place for these animals to learn how to be wild animals once again.

Twenty young Mallards, eight young Canada geese and one grown Canada geese now call The Old Five Notch Farm home <3  These ducks and geese are free to come and go as they please, but we feed them to help them transition from being totally dependent on humans to being the wild animals they should be.

We had a rescued, rehabbed and released Canada goose that was released at The Old Five Notch Farm last year we affectionately name "Baby Honk".  She had been the only survivor from her whole family being run over by a car.  It wasn't until she was release here that we realize that she was flightless.  Most of the time we have anywhere from one to 24 different geese here on the pond so she had company, but with breeding and nesting season everyone else had paired up and found different ponds and areas to start their families.  It made us and "Baby Honk" sad for her to be alone so we were really looking forward to this years release so she would have some company.

When we were contacted by Izzie's Pond that they had some ducks and geese that needed to be released we asked about the possibility of another non flighted goose for a friend and possible mate for Baby Honk.  We were thrilled to find out that "Neely" was healed and ready to be released.  We had been following his progress at Izzie's Pond and were aware of his story.

"Neely" was also a sole survivor of his family....like "Baby Honk". He and his family lived at Neely Farms a subdivison with ponds.  His family had been wiped out by a predator and he came into Izzie's Pond with injuries and with fishing line wrapped around his leg.  He too, like "Baby Honk" came into the rescue defeated and devastated by witnessing the loss of his whole family.  They tended to his wounds and found that the fishing line had cut into his leg so far that the tendon on the front of his leg had been damaged.  This meant that "Neely" didn't not have the normal movement of his foot and it caused him to walk on the top of his foot as it curled under.  The physical wounds healed, but "Neely" still was grieving his family...that was until the rescue started getting calls of orphaned Canada goslings.  As the goslings were brought into the rescue "Neely" perked up and found he once again had a family and a purpose!  "Neely" adopted the goslings, as geese often do, and he would look out for the babies.

We were so please to find that we could have "Neely" and some of "his" babies all released here.  "Baby Honk" was thrilled to have company and it only took one day...just one day and they were all together like one big family.  Anytime you look out to the pond you will find "Baby Honk", "Neely" and eight young goslings together, whether it be on the bank or on the pond.  "Baby Honk" has taken her role of Momma Goose and "Neely" is being the best Daddy Goose and Hubby Goose.  We couldn't be happier!

Family Bath Time

The Family!  "Baby Honk" is on the far right and "Neely" is in the back.

"Our" little family <3

"Neely" <3 You can see his injured left foot.  It slows him down just a little, but he gets along just fine.
Twenty Little Mallard Ducks!

Navigating through the vegetation


I have been working on some new projects for The Old Five Notch Farm Etsy Shop. I was fortunate to sell one item before it even posted to the shop! I will be making more of these, but I wanted to share pictures of the very first harvest/gathering apron I made. I learned a lot and I am hoping the next apron will come together a little easier now that I have it figured out!

My new tool!  A bias tape maker!!

My Gathering/Harvest Apron...I love the print on the fabric!

My Very First Completed Harvest/Gathering Apron!  Made with lightweight denim and a cute cotton print. It has big pocket openings on each side and one big pocket to hold all the harvest.
The other item I made was a pair of Sterling Silver Grey Pearl Guinea Fowl earrings!  I was thrilled that my son's girlfriend liked them so I gave them to her for her birthday.  I can't wait to make more and make some of the different colors of guinea, chicken, turkey, duck and goose feathers we have here on the farm.  All the feathers used are naturally molted from the flock....no one was injured or killed to obtain these feathers!

Sterling Silver Grey Pearl Guinea Fowl Earrings
I'll be making more of each of these so look for upcoming posts of their availability!

The other project that is keeping us busy is the garden. The garden is going full force and we are harvesting green beans, yellow squash, zucchini squash, strawberries, blueberries, swiss chard, and plums.

Strawberries, Blueberries, Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Cubanelle Peppers, and one Tomato

Breakfast from the Farm

Our First Peach!
 Today I will be preserving the green beans by canning them.  We'll be canning, freezing, and drying all we can from our garden, from any foods that we can forage and from any produce we are blessed to be given.

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Look for a Friday Farm Foto post on Friday!  I have been busy snapping photos all the around the farm, but for now..... Green Beans are calling!


  1. I so enjoyed reading about the geese from Izzy's Pond... do you not have a Blogger follow button? I enjoyed reading about your place.

    1. Hi Mary Ann! Thank you for your interest. I believe there is a Google + button just above the comments so you can follow. Let me know if you have any problems....and thanks again for checking in with us :-)
