Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Has It Really Been THREE Months Since My Last Post???

Wow!  I have been meaning to post a blog update for some time....I just didn't realize it has been this long since I posted. I had to read through the last post from September 1st.....that's exactly what I needed right now. 

You see, I am flat on my back with a aggravating back injury and I am having a hard time mentally. I am not a person to sit (or lie) around while everyone else, mainly my farmer man, takes care of everything...including me.  Honestly, I decided to post to the blog today because writing is such therapy for me.....and I could use some therapy right now, so if you are game and don't mind me sharing....here goes....

Here's a little history on how I got here...this will probably be several posts as it is a year's worth of info!

Last November...November 7th to be exact...I was down in the barn working when my sweet farmer man calls me as he does every evening when he gets out of his "real" job.  We were chatting while I was working on a few things in the barn...nothing too exciting. Well....I attempted to step over some PVC pipe that was lying on the concrete floor of the barn....and I failed...miserably!  I managed to step ON the pipe, which rolled out from under my feet. I did my very best Charlie Brown kicking the football impression as his dear friend, Lucy, pulled the football away.  Landing flat on my back on the concrete and pipe, my cell phone flew out of my hand and across the barn hitting the barn floor.

Once I realized I was not dead, I could indeed breathe, I started moving body parts to see what was broken.  Head and neck...ok, arms ok, feet...they moved, legs...oh my gravy.....my back!  The pain was awful, but I also knew that I had to somehow get to my phone and get back in touch with my sweet husband to let him know I was indeed alive, injured, but alive so he wouldn't kill himself trying to get home to me.

I managed, some how, to get upright and get to my phone....it was dead.  I had to make my way to the charger...thank goodness we keep one in the barn, sit down and plug the thing in.  That was no easy feat since every step felt like my back would break in two. I made it though and slowly, and  carefully got myself into the rocking chair. Once a little charged I managed to call my farmer man back and tell him I was ok, I would be sitting in the rocking chair at the barn when he got home though.

When my farmer man got to the barn, and he saw I was ok, and I saw him I felt so bad for him not me!  He attempted to help me get into the truck and that was when I realized how painful the injury was. He was determined I needed to go to the hospital, but I was just as determined that I didn't need to go.  Everything worked, it just hurt like crap!  I convinced him to just get me to the house where I could get in a warm bath and soak as I was sure it was just bruised.

Well, he agreed to let me do my own thing for a week, but if at that time I wasn't feeling much better then I would have no choice but to go to the doctor. 

Fast forward a week later, November 14th.....I was at the doctors having x-rays. The x-rays showed no breaks or fractures so they just said it was bruised and rest and anti-inflammatories were the prescription.

I seemed to heal up pretty well and was able to assume my duties here on the farm as well as off the farm in just a few weeks after the fall. I thought ok, I got this, lesson learned, and very thankful for the healing.....until January.

January found me in terrible pain and having a hard time doing my regular chores here on the farm as well as off the farm. So with some convincing once again from my farmer man, I went to our chiropractor, Dr. Kathryn Webb taking my x-rays from November with me.  Just as soon as she popped the x-rays up on the lighted box you could clearly see where two different vertebrae were sitting funny, kinda tilted to the right...there wasn't much space between them...hmmm.

Dr. Webb showed me that these vertebrae were indeed misaligned and we started working on a plan to help my body realign them....

Throughout the next several months we worked with massage, spinal manipulation, electro shock muscle therapy, physical therapy, natural supplements of fish oil and tumeric, etc. and my back did improve!  I was so excited to see the improvement and was thrilled to be able to go back to work off the farm although I was limited on what I could and couldn't due....no lifting, no mowing of the grass, limited bending, but I was getting better. Yea!!!

Well...There is much more to the story and I'm afraid if I continue I will be liable for your falling asleep at your computer so I'll save "the rest of the story" for another post...or two.

For now, I am resting somewhat comfortably, and trying to be patient while this latest back flare up does it's thing. I am looking forward to getting back up and at 'em and sharing the daily happenings of our farm soon!

Thanks for listening and being my therapist....I'll be looking for your bill in the mail ;-)

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